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Canine Assistance Partners Inc. -  Dogs Helping People

Service Dogs
A service dog is a specifically qualified working dog trained to assist a physically and/or emotionally disabled individual so that they may obtain a greater degree of personal freedom, independence, and self-reliance.

Our dogs are trained in a variety of skills, developing both their minds and abilities to accomplish a variety of tasks and services in order to assist a disabled individual in their daily life. This assistance is manifested in physical, psychological, and therapeutic support.

The Dogs
Assistance Dogs: Physical assistance, Balance, Bracing, Pulling, Retrieving dropped items, opening & closing doors, turning light switches off & on, etc.

Hearing Dogs: Alert a hearing impaired individual to important sounds in the environment - doorbell, telephone, fire alarm, sirens, baby crying, persons name being called, etc.

Seizure Response Dogs: Seizure Response Dogs: dogs that care-take and/or get help if their partner has a seizure.

Seizure Alert Dogs: Dogs that sense before a person has a seizure and notifies the person of the impending seizure giving the person time to take medication and/or get to a safe place.

Asthma Alert/Response Dogs: Dogs that sense before a person has a severe incapacitating asthma attack and notifies the person of the impending asthma attack giving the person time to take medication, remove the person from the asthma trigger(s), and/or get to a safe place.

Blood Sugar Alert Dogs: Dogs that sense before a person has a drop or rise in blood sugar and notifies the person of the impending changes associated with a change in blood sugar level giving the person time to take medication and/or eat food.

Blood Sugar Response Dogs: Dogs that care-take and/or get help if their partner has a drop or rise in blood sugar that incapacitates the partner.

Emotional/Psychiatric Support Dogs: Dogs trained to sense and respond to PTSD and other emotional or psychiatric disorders. Dogs are trained in assistant behaviors that allow the person to take needed medications, seek medical help and administer supportive invention therapies.


Jean & Lucy

I wish other people with bio-chemical imbalances that result in psychiatric disorders like mine could have a service dog like Lucy. Canine Assistance Partners is one of the few training programs that trains service dogs for people with problems like bi-polar, post traumatic stress or anxiety disorders. My dog Lucy doesn't just open doors for me in the physical sense - she is re-opening a door into a world from which I had become very isolated.

Lucy is trained in emotional and psychiatric support and seizure alert. Since Jean adopted Lucy in the Owner-as-Trainer program, she has gained the confidence to face public places and even been able to travel to visit her grandchildren, all of which would have been impossible without Lucy and CAP.


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